The Emotional Brain
from the humanities to neuroscience, and back again
Copernicus Center, PAU, Kraków, 2011 05 20,
Group photo
photo: A. Walanus
Joseph LeDoux (New York University), Didier Grandjean (University of Geneva), Bartosz Brożek (Jagiellonian University), Elizabeth Phelps (New York University), Wojciech Załuski (Jagiellonian University)
Elizabeth Phelps
James Russell
Paul Whalen
Bram Heerebout
Didier Grandjean
Wojciech Załuski
Bartosz Brożek
Tomasz Płazak
Paweł Polak
Marcin Kowrygo, Joseph LeDoux
Krzysztof Maślanka
Elizabeth Phelps